The fingerprint was generated more than 374 days ago. It probably doesn't belong to your browser. Start over to get your fingerprint.
CSS hack to tell Chromium-based browsers from other browsers
CSS @supports(-webkit-app-region: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
CSS hack to tell Firefox from other browsers
CSS @supports(-moz-appearance: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
CSS hack to tell Safari from other browsers
CSS @supports(-apple-pay-button-style: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
CSS hack to tell whether the Safari is mobile
CSS @supports(-webkit-touch-callout: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
CSS hack to tell macOS Firefox from other Firefox versions
CSS @supports(-moz-osx-font-smoothing: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
CSS hack to tell Firefox from Tor
CSS @supports(accent-color: inherit) { .selector { } }Value No -
Any hover
CSS @media (any-hover: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
CSS @media (hover: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Any pointer
CSS @media (any-pointer: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
CSS @media (pointer: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Color bitness
CSS @media (color: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Color gamut
CSS @media (color-gamut: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Forces colors
CSS @media (forced-colors: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Inverted colors
CSS @media (inverted-colors: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
CSS @media (monochrome: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Dark/light mode
CSS @media (prefers-color-scheme: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Contrast preference
CSS @media (prefers-contrast: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Reduced motion
CSS @media (prefers-reduced-motion: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Screen dynamic range
CSS @media (dynamic-range: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Pixel density
CSS @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: ...) and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Screen width
CSS @media (min-device-width: ...) and (max-device-width: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
Screen height
CSS @media (min-device-height: ...) and (max-device-height: ...) { }Value (undefined) -
“Roboto” font
Font name RobotoValue Yes -
“Ubuntu” font
Font name UbuntuValue Yes -
“Calibri” font
Font name CalibriValue Yes -
“MS UI Gothic” font
Font name MS UI GothicValue Yes -
“Gill Sans” font
Font name Gill SansValue Yes -
“Helvetica Neue” font
Font name Helvetica NeueValue Yes -
“Arimo” font
Font name ArimoValue Yes -
HTTP header name Accept-LanguageValue en-US -
Accepted encoding
HTTP header name Accept-EncodingValue br,gzip -
Accept header for web page
HTTP header name AcceptValue text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 -
Accept header for image
HTTP header name AcceptValue (undefined) -
Accept header for stylesheet
HTTP header name AcceptValue (undefined)